Is There Anything We Can Trust? Lesson 1
We live in an age of continual change and uncertainty. Never in the history of the world have so many people been so completely confused and disillusioned as they are today. There doesn’t seem to be anyone or anything we can trust.
But there is good news for everyone. There is something you can believe in, and there is someone you can trust! These are not just idle claims. There is abundant evidence to support them.
There is a book that you can trust, which is the Bible. The term, Bible, simply means, The Book. It contains 66 different books, or sections, written by 40 authors over a period of 1,500 years (1400 BC to AD 100). The men who wrote the books of the Bible differed widely in education, occupation, cultural and intellectual perception. They wrote under differing circumstances on three different continents and one island. Yet in theme and purpose, the Bible is a single book. It speaks of one God; it reveals one Saviour; it uplifts one standard of righteousness.
There is one central message in both the Old and New Testaments. This is because one Author inspired all of the men who contributed to the writing of the Bible. That Author is the One who can be trusted, for He is God!
Click on the question to reveal the answer:
Exodus 33:11 says the Lord spoke with Moses face to face.
Response questions:
Do you believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God?
Would you like to set aside some time each day for the study of the Bible?
“That this Book is divinely inspired is the foundation of our faith. Allow no one to make you doubt concerning this matter; for you must give up Christianity itself if you give up on the inspiration of this Book. You have nothing else to fall back upon but this Book and your own personal verification of it by the work of the Holy Ghost in your own soul. To tamper with inspiration is to tamper with the heart of true religion. The least doubt upon that matter is fatal.” – Charles Spurgeon