The Fate of the Unsaved Lesson 13
In the beginning God created a perfect world. But sin came in and brought disaster, decay, and death. If you returned home some evening and found your house ransacked and wrecked, would you leave it that way forever? Of course not. You would sweep out the dirt and rubbish, clean the place from top to bottom, and throw away items ruined beyond repair. God will do the same. He will take care of the wreckage and pollution of sin once and for all, creating a new earth in its place.
But God faces serious problems, because sin not only wrecked the physical world, it also infected people. Sin damaged our relationship with Him and with each other. Humanity continues to be plagued by child abuse, terrorism, pornography, and a thousand other cancers of the soul. God must someday destroy sin, because sin is destroying people. God’s dilemma is this: how to eliminate the deadly virus of sin from the world and yet not destroy all the people infected by it. His solution was to take on the virus in His own body; He allowed the cancer of sin to destroy Him at the cross.
In our last lesson we learned that the dead remain in their graves until Christ’s Second Coming, at which time they will come forth in one of two resurrections. The saved will go to be with God in heaven, while the unsaved will remain on earth and face the fire of hell.
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Response questions:
Can you see that a loving God would not put any of His children in an endless fire to torture them?
Are you anxious for that day to come when God will remove sin and its destructive results from the universe?