Is There Anyone We Can Trust? Lesson 2
In our previous lesson, we discovered that the Bible was written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. The theme of the Bible is God’s redemptive activity to save man from sin and its consequences, as well as practical counsel on how to live as followers of Christ.
In this lesson, we will consider the Bible as God’s revelation of Himself. The Holy Spirit spoke through the prophets to reveal God’s heart and character to mankind. Job 22:21 states, “Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you.” It is by becoming acquainted with God that we discover who He is, experiencing all that He has revealed Himself to be. To know Him is to love Him.
This lesson will explore God’s revelations of Himself in the Bible, bringing to light all the beautiful attributes that He desires to disclose to us. What will this personal knowledge do for us as we acquaint ourselves with Him, and learn to trust Him as He is revealed? And how will that benefit us?
Brennan Morning wrote, “Religion is not a matter of learning how to think about God, but of actually encountering Him… It does us little good to memorize chapter and verse if we have no experiential knowledge of God in our lives.”
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Response questions:
Does the God of the Bible sound trustworthy to you?
Do you believe that God has your best interest at heart?