God’s Remedy for Sin Lesson 4

There is no doubt that the virus of sin has adversely infected our world. The tragedy of sin began to unfold in God’s perfect universe as Lucifer, a brilliant and powerful angel, challenged God’s rulership and led a third of the angels to rebellion against Him. A war broke out in heaven which resulted in Satan being driven out, along with his defecting angels, and the establishment of his insurrection on earth through Adam and Eve. And the tragic consequences of their disobedience, shame and guilt expressed through their nakedness (Genesis 3:7), running and hiding from God’s presence because of fear (Genesis 3:8-10), continues to plague the human race.

After several thousand years of conflict, it appears that Satan has control of the majority of people in our world. Yet in spite of his apparent success, God’s plan to counteract evil and rescue the human race from sure destruction is in place and will ultimately accomplish its mission. Just how deep is the infection of sin and what is God’s remedy? Let’s begin by tracing the sin problem from its inception in the Garden of Eden.


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Response questions:

Do you now understand why Jesus became one of us?

Would you like to invite Him to be your Saviour right now?

God’s remedy for sin involves the cross, and Christ’s substitutionary death for us. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”