God’s Sign of Loyalty Lesson 9
The society in which we live is becoming increasingly lawless and rebellious, which is reflected in the overcrowded jails and the building of new ones. The disregard for the law has become an epidemic. The tragedy is that some Christian groups are telling us that even God’s Law is not valid any longer. The Bible says that the Law of God is unchanging and therefore eternal. The Law is perfect, holy, just, and good. It is not the Law that needs changing, but us humans. God’s purpose in giving us the Ten Commandment Law was to expose our sinfulness so we will see our need of the saving grace of Christ and not continue on the path to self-destruction. It is His saving grace that empowers and enables us to be obedient to His great moral standard. How unfortunate that some religious groups contribute to lawlessness by teaching the discarding of the Law that gives freedom (James 2:12). Little wonder that people also feel the laws of the land are equally dispensable.
In Lesson 8 we learned that God put His Law, the Ten Commandments, in written form at Mt. Sinai to show His people how to live. He revealed Himself as Creator of heaven and earth, and set aside a special time each week for us to reflect on His love and creative power, and He began the fourth commandment with the words, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy…”
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Response questions:
Can you see that the only day God made holy is the seventh day, which is Saturday?
Is it your desire to honor God by obeying Him and keeping the Sabbath holy?